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Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
It's not that long ago that buying, selling, carrying, fishing, storing, building and measuring were reliant on a basket be it homemade or bought from a professional basket maker, life depended on them.
There is great satisfaction in planting a cutting of willow, watching it grow, harvesting it and then weaving it into something both beautiful and functional. I use traditional techniques of willow basketmaking whilst exploring new ideas and form.
Using soft plant fibres requires different skills and techniques; looping, coiling, twining and plaiting. Leaves, grasses and rush growing all around us provide an unlimited natural resource each one with its own unique qualities and beauty.
Honoured to be a Yeoman Member of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers.
Member of the Scottish Basketmakers' Circle (SBC), the Basketmakers' Association (BA), the Heritage Crafts Association (HCA) and the Heckleburn Quines (HQ); an artist and makers' collective based in Banchory, Aberdeenshire (

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